Uni Credit Union (qld) To Merge With Mecu (vic)
23rd July 2008 -
Views: 1656
The members of Uni Credit Union Limited (UCU) have voted overwhelmingly to merge with mecu Limited. Uni Credit Union will transfer its business to mecu as of 1 August 2008, creating a $1.7b credit union with 18 branches and 230 staff.
Mecu (vic) To Merge With Uni Credit Union (qld)
23rd July 2008 -
Views: 1515
The members of Uni Credit Union Limited (UCU) have voted overwhelmingly tomerge with mecu Limited.
Expert Comment On The Branding Of Bank Mergers
13th May 2008 -
Views: 1478
The proposed merger of Westpac and St George has been hailed by Westpac CEO Gail Kelly as a merger of “two iconic brands”.
Mobile Banking To Transform Microfinance
5th May 2008 -
Views: 1430
A new report from the global microfinance body CGAP predicts that, with the right market conditions, mobile banking could reach large numbers of poor people who are outside the formal financial system. The Early Experience with Branchless Banking calls for the development of interoperable payments platforms, practical and risk-based approaches to regulation, as well as shared networks of cash-handling agents.
Virgin Money Australia Banks On Netsuite Oneworld
18th April 2008 -
Views: 2212
NetSuite Inc. announced today that Virgin Money Australia has switched from an outsourced solution to NetSuite