Itau Unibanco And China Unionpay Sign Trade And Cooperation Agreement
29th September 2010 -
Views: 1514
By this contract, CUP clients with their 2.2
billion credit and debit cards will be able to withdraw at over 30,000 Itau
ATMs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Singapore A Prime Target For Banking & Finance Recruitment
22nd September 2010 -
Views: 1431
With the Asian banks in better shape than their Western counterparts, Singapore continues to be one of the leading financial hot spots according to Tessa Dickman, Manager of the new Huxley Associates office in Singapore.
Experian Signs Global Data Integration Deal With Hsbc
17th August 2010 -
Views: 1453
Starting in Asia, Experian's Connect+ data integration software will be used by HSBC to enable access, consolidation and aggregation of data from multiple sources, including credit bureaux, and other third party data providers.
Bradesco Announces Florianopolis And Curitiba Apimec Meetings
10th August 2010 -
Views: 1555
The Meeting will discuss Bradesco's products that have great growth potential, such as real estate credit, vehicle portfolio, payroll-deductible loans, cards, insurance and capital markets.
Banco Bradesco Announces Q2 And Half Year Highlights
29th July 2010 -
Views: 1573
Adjusted Net Income(1) in the period of R$4.602 billion (up 16.4% from
R$3.952 billion in the first half of 2009), corresponding to R$2.19
per share in the last 12 months and Return on Average Equity(2) of